Friday, November 06, 2009

Photo Hunt Saturday- Military

Veteran monument in Lebanon, Ohio we visited while out Geocaching. It's a very nice little park near downtown.


aspiritofsimplicity said...

That is a very moving memorial.

SaraG said...

Great photo's Cathy!
I keep meaning to stop there and take some pictures but haven't yet.

MaR said...

Beautiful sculpture and memorial.
My PH. Happy weekend and happy hunting!

Liz Hinds said...

That's a fantastic sculpture!

YTSL said...

What a wonderful memorial. Thanks for sharing pictures of it -- and thereby spreading the word of its existence.

Unknown said...

What an impressive sculpture. And soldier's pose seems to show the deep sadness that comes with all wars.

I have also a shot from a resting place for soldiers. But my picture is taken in West Virginia, and most of the graves are from the Civil War.

Happy Weekend Cathy!

Kim, USA said...

wow an awesome sculpture.

mine is up

upto6only said...

great pics. thanks for sharing

Jama said...

Impressive sculpture!

Sassy Mom said...

Great shots! have a lovely weekend!

Marites said...

really good capture, it's poignant to see.

jams o donnell said...

That is such a moving memorial. Happy weekend

Hootin Anni said...

All I can say!!! So poignant.

One of MY favorite Veterans is on my post this week. Come see him if you have some time.
Click Here


Cookie said...

this is certainly quite moving..we should always remember those who lost their lives fighting to keep the peace..

my post is up too..hope you can vist :)
PH : Fly Girl

Chubskulit Rose said...

Hubby love this one.. someone sent him these kind of photos in the email..

Check out my husband's 20 years in the navy. Have a great weekend!

Arlene said...

what a loving memorial of those people who fought for peace.

happy weekend!

EJ said...

its good to look back of what our heroes have done to defend and liberate us.

Take a look at my HERO

Ingrid said...

Beautiful and very emotional pictures !
When I think that over seventy million people, the majority civilians, were killed in the last war !

Lisa said...

Ok.... I have tears in my eyes.

thank you for sharing.

Susanne said...

That is such a moving memorial!

marta said...

Beautiful and moving memorial.

Anonymous said...

I so totally forgot about that statue. I live near Lebanon, Ohio,... used to read electric meters in the city. So cool. Glad you enjoyed your visit. Mine is up, come on by.

Redge said...

What a touching photo.. great!

here's mine..